Hi, I’m Sumit Gupta

I help CEOs scale to 100M+ in “impossible” timeframes. Accelerate your impact by accelerating yourself.
My clients call our work a “no-bullshit refreshing wake-up call”

Ask Powerful Questions and Transform Your Team. Download a Workbook containing 164 such questions as my gift to you.

    What is Choosing Leadership?

    95% of what you think and do is unconscious. 

    When operating from our unconscious patterns, we have no future. We are simply recycling the past.

    Choosing Leadership is a set of 6 Choices we choose each moment –  consciously or unconsciously.

    Once you know these 6 choices, you can Choose Leadership and create previously impossible results.

    Answer 30 questions and find out how you score on the 6 Leadership Choices in just 2 minutes

    Get Inspired - Listen to the Choosing Leadership Podcast


    In the words of Colin Powell, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers.”

    To multiply your results and impact, you must first simplify. You can not multiply a complex system.

    It is too easy to be distracted today. Once you simplify what is in front of you, you can take decisive action to multiply your results.

    Answer 30 YES and NO questions to find out how to avoid making things unnecessarily complex that might be killing your momentum – in just 2 minutes.

    Hey There, I'm Sumit

    Often, the toughest story to tell is your own. I have spent a lifetime staying invisible and holding back on my dreams. 

    I am gifted at helping you see your own potential because I have spent so much of my life hiding my own. I see where you are powerful even when you cannot.

    The life I live today is only possible because of the people who have believed in me even when I did not.

    Every leader wants someone they know they can count on. I am that person for you!

    I show you the mirror so that you can get out of your own way. I am not here to please you.

    I will tell & ask you what nobody else will. So that you can live your most inspiring life. 

    My life is dedicated to exponentially increasing the joy & impact we have at work while eliminating stress and meaninglessness.

    If you are ready to commit & play full-out, I am ready for you. Message me


    “When I first spoke to Sumit, I used to say that I am in a constant race and I don’t know what I’m running away towards or from. I used to have a whole lot of anxiety. It has come down a lot and allows me to operate from a sense of calm.

    My whole perspective of time has also changed. What I could have done previously in two months, I was able to do in two days. Now I know  where I am headed and why, and I have learned to smell the roses on the journey.”

    Pradeep Banavara is the co-founder of Obvious Technology and ex-VP of Product at Swiggy.

    I couldn’t have imagined being in this situation last year. I would have given 3 years for what happened in the last 1 year. 

    Siddharth Goyal is a serial entrepreneur and Founder/CEO at Ukumi.

    “We have doubled revenues and 1.8X the number of people in the last 1 year. But more importantly, we are able to handle any challenge that comes our way with calm.” – 

    Ashwin Date is the co-founder & CTO at Tekdi Technologies.

    “the big takeaway for me is getting calm myself. I was so aggressive, I was so rushed, hard-working, and I was expecting that from everybody. I am now taking a step back. It is a very big takeaway.

    I don’t have to fix anybody else. If I fix myself, if I work on myself, things will happen by default. So that is the biggest takeaway and that I want to thank you for that” 

    PrashanthFounder, PS Group

    I spend half the time as earlier in meetings and my rating is shooting up the roof… that was the magic – 

    Prabu Raja is a Software Development Manager at Amazon.