In a recent conversation with the leadership team of a company, the core of our discussion centered on the essence of commitment and how it shapes our actions, defines our results, and ultimately, steers our lives. The conversation shed light on different aspects of commitment, the difference between promises and commitments, and the profound impact of living an intentional life.

Understanding Commitments vs Promises

Commitments and promises are often used interchangeably, but they hold distinct meanings. A promise is an assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. It’s specific with clear conditions of satisfaction. However, a promise can be conditional or even made without full sincerity. On the other hand, commitment is the energy and determination behind a promise – it’s the unwavering intention to fulfill the promise no matter what.

Types of Promises

We explored three types of promises:

  1. Criminal Promise: A promise made with no intention of fulfillment.
  2. Conditional Promise: A promise with hidden conditions that might prevent its fulfillment.
  3. Committed Promise: A promise made with full dedication, where the person ensures its fulfillment, overcoming any obstacle.

Commitment in Action

Our session vividly illustrated how commitment is the driving force behind achieving tangible results. Here are key takeaways and real-life applications that were highlighted:

  • Result-Oriented Mindset: Your results reflect your true commitments. If you consistently show up late, it indicates you are committed to other priorities more than being on time. Altering your mindset to focus on desired outcomes can dramatically change your productivity and effectiveness.
  • No Conditions: Commitments is always with the mindset of “no matter what.” Whether it’s committing to a project deadline, a personal goal, or a promise to a client, approaching it with an unwavering resolve is commitment.
  • Clear Communication and Renegotiation: Life is unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances arise. A key component of commitment is clear communication and the willingness to renegotiate terms to preserve trust and integrity. For example, if you cannot adhere to a promised timeline due to an unavoidable delay, informing the concerned party and proposing a new timeline is crucial.

Transformative Practice of Creating Yourself

The session emphasized the power of “I Am” declarations in creating one’s own BEING. Statements like “I am fearless,” “I am resourceful,” and “I am committed” aren’t just declarations; they shape our BEING and influence our actions and results. And we use such language to our detriment all day – examples are “I am weak”, “I am not ready”, “I am not enough”, etc.

Real-Life Applications of Commitment

Here are some anecdotal reflections from the session:

  1. Professional Accountability: One participant shared their practice of daily goal-setting and reflection. This habit ensured they stayed on track with their professional commitments and communicated transparently with clients about any delays, thereby building trust.
  2. Personal Integrity: Another participant reflected on how their commitments influenced their personal life, particularly with family. A commitment to spend a quality hour daily with their daughter became non-negotiable, highlighting the power of prioritizing commitments over excuses.

Why Are You Here? Discovering Your Mission

A thought-provoking part of the discussion was exploring our overarching mission in life. Questions like “Why are you here?” and “What is your mission?” are profound and pivotal. They invite us to align our daily actions with a larger purpose, enabling us to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

Steps to Embrace Commitment

  • Identify Key Commitments: Determine what you are genuinely committed to both professionally and personally. Write them down.
  • Make Unconditional Promises: Start differentiating between conditional promises and committed promises. Where possible, eliminate conditions and fully commit.
  • Communicate Clearly: Ensure all parties involved in your commitments are aware of your intentions. This maintains trust and clarity.
  • Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your commitments and adjust as necessary to stay aligned with your goals and values.
  • Practice “I Am” Statements: Daily speaking of your commitment and BEING will create who you are in each moment.


Commitment is a powerful catalyst for transforming intentions into reality. By recognizing the true essence of commitment, practicing clear communication, and aligning our actions with our values and goals, we can achieve remarkable results. Transform your promises into committed actions today and witness the extraordinary impact on your personal and professional life.