Sumit Gupta
Leadership Coach
Speech & Keynote Topics
Sumit is committed to elevating the level of leadership in the world. Sumit’s audiences learn how to discover the power of their own choice. They leave feeling empowered to make an impact in areas they care about.
I am pleased to recommend Sumit Gupta as a speaker. Recently, Sumit conducted a session on the three laws of leadership for our organization, combining clear explanations with interactive audience participation and practical examples.
He also introduced the concept of “powerful questions,” a method individuals can use to generate their own insights without external direction. This approach empowers people to deepen their understanding and self-awareness without forcing them into this direction.
I believe Sumit would be a valuable speaker for any organization seeking insights into leadership and effective communication.
Jeremias Herrmann, Swiss Post
It was a pleasure to interview Sumit Gupta about “Leadership Beyond the Rational Mind” in an ELP Leadership Dialogue. Sumit listened carefully, not only to the content of the questions, but also paying attention to the feelings and assumptions that might be under or behind them.
He then took a few seconds of silence before answering. His answers were thoughtful and to the point, him being an expert on leadership. He added value by adding a layer of personal experiences, making his response up close and personal.
Sumit was also courteous in the interaction with his co-panel member, neither taking too much space, nor holding back, keeping a perfect balance between humility and strong will.
Twan van de Kerkhof, Founder, European Leadership Platform
Sample Speaking Topics
Deploying Yourself – A new paradigm of leadership
This talk is an invitation to your leadership. In today’s complex and dynamic environment, it is very easy to get lost and feel disempowered. In this talk, Sumit invites you to the power of your choice. He will share what it takes to lead in the 21st century, and how people like to led differently in a VUCA world. Learn the 4 different states of Deploying Yourself, and how they can reveal new actions and results not available to you before.
You Will Discover
What is Deploy Yourself?
Moving from caring to taking care
The 3 levels of Deploying Yourself
Mastery in Conversations (in organisations)
What is an organisation if not a network of commitments and conversations? And how are all commitments negotiated? Yes, through conversations. Even what we call culture is only the set of conversations people are having, and more importantly, not having. In this talk, Sumit helps you identify what is a leadership conversation, and what is not? Once you can do so, you can learn how to have conversations which integrate the analytical and empathic, the rational and intuitive, and the proactive and reflective skills of being a human being.
You Will Discover
Conversation is the glue of leadership
Identify conversations you are not having
How your mood impacts all conversations?
Listening – The Foundation of Leadership
Being known as a leader who listens can dramatically accelerate your professional success. In this talk, Sumit will show you how to listen well, what empathy really means, and the 3 levels of listening. Understand how all conversations and leadership begins with listening, and how listening can enable you to influence others and create alignment more easily for your best ideas.
You Will Discover
The 3 Levels of Listening
Listening as an Leadership Act
Speaking From and Into Listenings
Communication & Influence for Geeks
Techies and geeks are in demand because we have mastered how to talk to computers. Yet, often we struggle when communicating with people. I will show you an unconventional look at conversations from a first-principle lens. Find out what is happening behind all conversations. The only question is – are you aware of it or not? Understanding gravity enabled humans to create skyscrapers. Similarly, these first-principles will allow you to create influence and strong relationships.
You Will Discover
Is there a listening for your speaking?
We are all hallucinating (lesson from neuroscience)
Navigating difficult conversations
Productivity Without Stress
We are so used to living in Overwhelm – a state of too much time and too little time – that we do not even see it as abnormal. In fact, most of us have grown up wearing our busy-ness as a badge of honour. Yet, we all know that just working harder and doing more does not produce results. And the costs of living in overwhelm are real – burnout, stress, poor health and relationships, etc. In this talk, find out how to create results that matter by working less, how to say NO to everything that stands in the way, and how to shift from disempowering to empowering moods.
You Will Discover
6 basic moods of life and work
The importance of saying NO
Holding yourself and others accountable
The Power of Self-Coaching
Does the fish know that it lives in water? No, it doesn’t. Unless you take the fish out of the water and it sees water for the first time. In this talk, Sumit will help you discover how we live in language the same way. Learn a self-directed process to uncover what is stopping you from showing up as the leader you need to be, and how to overcome or reshape your leadership to create the results that matter to you.
You Will Discover
Human Beings Create All The Time
Uncover What Is Blocking You & Liberate Yourself
Create A Powerful Leadership Presence
Befriend Your Emotions
A lot of us think that emotions like fear, sadness, or anger stops us from achieving results. What I have found is that emotions never stop us. What stops us is that “we block emotions”. Learn to listen to the “gold” that lie behind all emotions. Discover how to deal with difficult conversations productively and make it safe for people to address those emotions which are usually hidden. Learn how we are all emotional beings, and how emotions can be a matter of choice.