Oct 10, 2020 | Deploy Yourself, Leadership and Management |
Do you use feedback as a tool to improve performance? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Most managers see (and use) feedback, most of which is negative or critical, as a tool to improve performance. If you give positive feedback too along with the negative...
Mar 29, 2019 | Coaching, Deploy Yourself, Leadership and Management |
One of the most fundamental human needs we all share is to make meaningful progress in what we are doing. At the workplace this means knowing how does the road ahead looks, and how can we learn and grow to the next milestone on that road. If you lead people, you can...
Mar 28, 2017 | Deploy Yourself, Emotional Intelligence |
Fresh out of college, when I started to work professionally as a 21 year old, I dived into work passionately and emotionally. Not only did I do great work during that year, but I also had a lot of fun with my team, many of whom are still my good friends. I was...